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    Empowering teachers and leaders by promoting accessible and high quality professional development for enhanced learning outcomes.


    Focus Areas:

    • Technology and Education
    • Professional Learning
    • ALARM (A Learning And Responding Matrix)
    • Explicit Teaching
    • Formative Assessment
    • Effective Feedback
    • Music Education
  • Free Downloads

    A range of prompt examples teachers can use to start developing ideas for their teaching practice in line with CESE's 'What Works Best' and created with ChatGPT.

    A comprehensive interactive support resource for HSC Music 1 teachers and students in NSW to assist with developing skills in Aural, Performance, Composition and Musicology.

    Blooms and SOLO are not enough. Where do questions sit on the continuum of learning and how can we share a language of learning that both teachers and students use?

    A quick HPGE refresher slide deck for NSW school teachers.

    Actionable Feedback (coming soon!)

    Distilled from the research of Dylan Wiliam and Tom Sherrington.

    ALARM (coming soon!)

    An insight in to the ALARM Framework created by Max Woods

  • Recent Work

    Appearances on Podcasts, Publications, Online Courses and Conferences

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    A range of discussion papers on AI in Education with the inclusion of the ChatGPT Prompt guide for Teachers.

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    Guest Speaker: Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City

    Luis Medina-Gual invited me to speak with educators about ChatGPT and its implications on education.
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    This podcast is about ChatGPT and how the skills needed to navigate it well are part of the skillset that school librarians already have.

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    Podcast: Drew Bent

    An overview of ChatGPT and its impact on teachers and students.

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    This free course is intended for teachers who want to know more about ChatGPT, use it in their practice, looking for inspiration/examples of its power or those trying to improve their use of this AI chatbot.

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    A beginners guide to ChatGPT, including practical examples for using AI technology in your teaching practice.